Cleaning Jobs
Kids 13 years old can help friends and relatives with big cleaning jobs. For example, an adult who has put off cleaning a garage, an attic or even a large closet may respond to the idea of having an energetic helper whom they can afford to pay. Young teenagers also might offer to clean patio furniture before it's put away for the winter, or to clean a car inside and out.
Parent’s Helper
Money Instructor suggests that kids work for pay as parental helpers. Many 13-year-old kids may not have the experience or judgment for full-fledged babysitting, but they could entertain younger children while a parent is busy with household chores or paying bills. One advantage of parental helper jobs is that they can lead to child-care opportunities later on.
Pet Care
For kids 13 years old who like animals, helping people with their pets can be an enjoyable way to earn money. Families who go on vacation may need someone to care for their pets while they are away. Neighbors may be willing to pay a young teenager to walk their dog or just come over, perhaps after school, to play with a dog that has been confined to the house all day. Cat lovers may be happy to find someone who will clean the litter box on a regular basis.
Party Assistant
In her book “Jobs for Kids,” Jeanne Kiefer suggests that kids earn money by helping out at parties. For example, they might help to arrange party trays, set the table, refill trays on the buffet table, fill water glasses, collect trash as it accumulates, and generally be available for whatever the party hosts need. Kids 13 years old might also be hired to help out at children’s parties, leading games and serving refreshments.
Garage Sale Attendant
Preparing for and conducting a garage sale can be an overwhelming task. Kids 13 years old might find work helping out with such tasks as carrying sale items out from basements or attics, organizing merchandise, setting up tables and attaching price tags. During the sale, they could answer questions, make change and carry items to buyers’ cars.
Computer Tutor
Many 13-year-old kids are proficient enough in various computer skills to be able to teach the basics to other paople. Parents might hire young teenagers to help their preschoolers use a mouse or make the most of software programs. Older adults who have had little or no experience with computers can use help understanding, for example, how to send and receive email.